Superior water removal and fuel system protection! B3Cs’s breakthrough Tank Snake Water Absorber and Fuel System Protection technology protects the entire diesel fuel system. Our Tank Snake technology removes water/saltwater, prevents algae, sludge buildup, bacteria and fungus in diesel fuel and protects against contamination. Water is the root cause of most of the problems. Control the WATER, control the PROBLEMS!
Instant – Use this when you need to quickly remove water (only) from tank bottoms. Use and dispose.
- Disposable
- Removes water only
- Fastest water, saltwater, DEF, anti-freeze (most) from fuel
- Sizes: 2, 3, 4, 10, 12, 14 feet
- Easy installation and removal by high strength tether line, included
- Disposable
- Mobile, wheeled equipment
- Tanks where immediate water/contaminant removal is needed
- Construction equipment, generators, any vehicle (without anti-siphon), emergency water removal
- 1 time use, works in 30-60 minutes